Sugarloaf and Spaulding

Hiked Sugarloaf and Spaulding in Maine on 7/19/2018 on another bright sunny day with not too hot temperatures. It was another long drive to get here. I parked at the ski area and started up one of the not so steep novice trails but took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on an expert trail that was quite steep. There were good views from the trails and also from the summit.

Looking at North and South Crocker from the ski trail
Looking north and east from the summit

I had some trouble on the summit of Sugarloaf finding the short trail that would take me down to the AT so I could go over to Spaulding. I finally found it, there was no sign and a very small cairn and a little way down a blue blaze. I got to the AT and turned south for the 2.1 miles over to Spaulding. It was a very nice section of trail with a few short ups and downs and for the most part a smooth footbed. There was a plaque honoring the CCC workers who finished the final section of the AT.

CCC plaque

The summit of Spaulding was wooded with no views so I went back down to the AT to eat my PBJ. A thruhiker who was headed south stopped for a few minutes. When I asked him where he was going to spend the night he said he was going to go another 10 miles. I don’t think there was a shelter in 10 miles so maybe he was going to camp in a tent. After eating I headed back north and climbed up Sugarloaf again and then down a much less steep trail, it was better on the knees. On the short trail up to the summit there were some flowers that I haven’t identified yet and there were lots of flowers on the ski trail that I took back to the parking area.

Unidentified flower with a bee
Flowers on ski trail

Made it back to the car and drove home with a stop at Burger King. Only 8 peaks left to finish the New England 100 Highest.

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